
He said if Uma gets one, he gets one too.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Toddler, I mean, baby swing


Uma helps out.


Kieran's not so sure about it.


Now he's getting it.

The best seat in the house


Uma's toy is Kieran's toy


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sunglasses! Awesome


Daddy never lets me have his.

Group shot


That's Uma's friend Dominic.

Scary Halloween giraffe


Might look familiar

I'm gonna eat it!


Hitting the bottle


Rise and shine


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The exersaucer is serious business


Stability issues


They have better smiles than I do


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

After a hot bath


Tada! It's a ring!


Monday, October 27, 2008

He didn't really vote


Sunday, October 26, 2008



He's not going to let anything stand in the way of a good toe suck.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Baby in a basket

A recurring motif





Friday, October 24, 2008



He's been doing that a lot lately.



Thursday, October 23, 2008

Teeth Sighting!

After taunting us for months, Kieran's two bottom teeth have finally made an appearance. I felt them today as I was cleaning his gums after feeding him lunch. They are just visible if you look closely. Uma saw them, too. She was very excited for him.

Solids update: Kieran has really taken to solids. He gets a little squirmy if he has to sit in his high chair too long, but otherwise seems to enjoy eating. He now eats banana, rice cereal, sweet potato, yogurt, and oatmeal. Pear sauce has been granted provisional status. (We're following the 4-day wait rule from "Super Babyfoods.") The biggest challenge feeding him now is getting my spoon around his. He likes to hold onto a spoon while he's eating, and as with everything Kieran holds, it finds its way to his mouth, so I have to maneuver my spoon around his. Meals often end up using a half dozen spoons.


Hanging on for dear life


Uma's a bit of a wild driver.

No seat belt!?!?


Diverted from the gravel


Unfortunately, he later absconded with the keys.

A calm moment before he discovered the gravel


Mmmm.... rocks. Talk about solid food.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kieran pounces, too



Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Uma makes Kieran laugh



Monday, October 20, 2008

Whoa, I'm waaaay too high


Is DWST legal in Texas?


Kieran enjoys driving through the neighborhood


Gas prices schmas prices.

Trying to eat a ball



"Bummer, can't unhinge my jaw..."

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bwah bwah bwah



400 posts

Actually, 402, but close enough, right? 7½ months old, and he's already got more posts than most blogs ever see. I won't twist my arm patting myself on my back (I've got lots of practice).


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Don't leave me here!


Do you really need that picture now?

Considering it was 5 minutes ago, yes, yes I did.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Watching cars go by


Uma wasn't doing anything interesting enough to get his attention.

There are airplane books...


And there are stroller books. Take that, Grisham.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Better living through child abuse

Our system for Kieran's sleep was not working. He was waking up frequently, not only at night, but in the middle of his daytime names. He always needed help to fall asleep, and he just seemed tired a lot. We did a little more directed research and reading, and reached three conclusions:

1) He needed more nap time
2) What we thought were signs of tiredness were really signs of over-tiredness; he was getting tired after having been awake only an hour or so in the morning, but we had been keeping him up for 2-3 hours
3) It was getting harder to help him to sleep, not easier

Each of these dysfunctions fed into each other. Those conclusions dictated a new strategy. We decided to be more diligent about making his nap time, accepting the sacrifice to our schedule and household needs that would require. We aimed to whisk him off to sleep at the first sign of any kind of tiredness, rather than waiting for it to become obvious. Finally, and most importantly, we went cold turkey on helping Kieran fall asleep.

It's this last that was the hardest but seemed to have been the most necessary. We attributed at least part of the nighttime waking to him being unable to fall back asleep. We all wake up in the night and fall back asleep, not even remembering having woken the next morning. He had no capacity to fall asleep on his own, so when he had one of those regular wakings, he stayed up.

What was cold turkey? When it was bed time, we put Kieran down, walked away, and closed the door. And then tried to resist the urge to run back in when he wailed. It wasn't easy. I think I lasted 4 minutes the first time. I went in and tried to help him calm down, albeit in a more restrained fashion. Eventually, he fell asleep. After a few nights, I realized that I wasn't actually helping him when I went in, because all I did was make it take longer for him to settle. So I stopped. We'd been using the kitchen fan for white noise to help him sleep; very quickly, it became white noise to help us when he cried.

We started about 10 days ago. The first night, he only woke up two times in the night. That's compared to his then normal 4-5 wakings. Most nights it has been once. Last night, Kieran didn't wake up at all after going to bed at 7pm, though he woke up a little earlier than usual at 6:20am, but there were some loud noises at the time that were likely the cause. He takes full naps during the day, instead of waking up when he obviously needs more. When we're in the room with him, he'll shift and move, but usually doesn't wake up and get upset. The best part of all, is that he usually complains (not cries) for only about a minute or so at nap time. Then he settles.

This has made a huge difference. Kieran is just so much happier when he's awake. He's always been a happy boy, but he'd been getting increasingly moody (by his standards); usually, it only took about 45 minutes to an hour after waking for him to get a little grumpy. Now he's happy and all smiles for nearly the whole time he's awake. That's a lot more like the way he was before things went off the rails a few months ago.

It's obviously better for us grown-ups, because we get to sleep. Our schedule is more predictable, and we have a lot less anxiety. There are less obvious benefits for Uma. She doesn't have to go solo so often while Jessica is trying to coax Kieran down for a nap. She's only 3, so it's not reasonable to expect her to play by herself quietly for 20 or 30 minutes. Plus she gets some exclusive Mommy time during the day, time that Jessica now has more energy for. This was an unpleasant period, but it was brief. We're all better off for it.

Oh yeah, and we also turned off the nightlight in the bedroom. My toes have suffered, but it seems to have helped otherwise.


Attention, yay!


This sounds hollow...


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Typical deer-in-the-headlights face


More or less his default look.

Mmm.... strappy


Mommy is (just) out of view


What, you think he just smiles for no reason?

In the saddle


Food would just get in his way


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

She got my bottle


Kieran learns about sharing.

Actually, he knows all about sharing. Uma shares all his things.

Monday, October 13, 2008






The ones with his mouth open were when he was trying to eat the camera. I may need to get a waterproof case for it.

Gotta have hats to be a hipster



What could he be laughing at?


I guess we'll never know.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Too exhausted to play


Saturday, October 11, 2008

The outdoors are great


Contemplating a simple life in nature


The next Henry David Thoreau?

Doing his Godzilla impression


That leaf is Tokyo.

Happy play


Rings are fantastic.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hitting the bottle




Thursday, October 9, 2008

Solid sessions


I got a spoon!


What was that?!??!


He rubs getting cleaned up.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tabletop baby


Short hair is a must


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How I feel right now


Except I don't get a nifty swing like that.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sometimes he sleeps


Things haven't been going so well at night here at the homestead.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Key break


Whacking the play equipment


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Kieran plays with his feet


With a surprise guest star.


Friday, October 3, 2008

He sits in the cart now


A gummy smile


Won't be long before that's gone.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

There's a lot going on here


Happy finger grab


Happy face grab


Get her when she's not paying attention.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oh yeah, that's some good strap


We've set up the seat belt with one short so we can have one long strap end precisely for this reason.

Not as impressed as I had hoped


It's a front row seat!